The craniosacral rhythm, like our heartbeat and breath, is a vital part of our existence. This palpable rhythm is created by the subtle flow of cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) through the craniosacral system which involves all of the bones of the skull, face, and mouth extending by a system of hydraulics and membranes to the lower end of the spine and sacrum. Practitioners use this rhythm to determine whether or not the body is in balance and where there may be areas of restriction. These restrictions are the result of either physical or emotional trauma. Craniosacral Therapy teaches you how to listen to your own system so you can be an integral part of your own healing.
The cranial rhythm communicates with the rest of the body like a ripple in a pond when a stone is thrown in. When this rhythm is disturbed due to physical or emotional trauma, the body attempts to wall off the area of disturbance in order to maintain the whole organism’s integrity and balance. Since the body physically stores the memories of all of our experiences, eventually it is unable to maintain balance and dysfunction becomes evident. Until these stored blocks are released, they can continue to cause pain and may create additional problems.
Injuries that can affect the Craniosacral System:
- Car accidents
- Surgeries
- Birth complications
- Sports injuries
- Infections
Feather-light touch is used to gently facilitate the release of restrictions. As these subtle changes take place, some people may experience memories, emotions, or physical sensations. Although this therapy is profound and works from the core, patients report a deep sense of relaxation with effects that continue far beyond the treatment room as the body continues its journey of re-balancing and reorienting.
Since craniosacral therapy works directly with the central nervous system and all of your body’s regulators, it not only releases restrictions but also strengthens your body’s resistance to illness. According to Dr. John Upledger, the originator of the modality, “Craniosacral Therapy works to reverse the debilitating effects of stress by providing the conditions in which the nervous system can rest and rejuvenate. In fact, it’s this capacity to reduce stress that’s leading an increasing number of people to include CST as a part of their wellness routines.”

Craniosacral therapy is effective in the treatment of:
- Migraine headaches
- Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries
- Chronic neck and back pain
- Motor coordination impairments
- Frozen shoulder
- Stress & tension
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Chronic fatigue
- Immune system depletion or disorders
- TMD– Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
- Scoliosis
- Neurovascular disorders
- Autism
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Fibromyalgia
- Post-Surgical dysfunction
- Whiplash injuries
- Hormonal imbalances, menstrual pain, PMS
- Problems during and after pregnancy
- Birth trauma
- Tinnitus and middle ear problems
- Cerebral palsy
- Asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis
- Long COVID
You may also benefit from Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Somatic Trauma Healing, and BioEmotional Transformation on your healing journey
We look forward to being part of your Wellness Team! Schedule Craniosacral Therapy HERE