Energy Healing, Chakra Healing, Shamanic Practice, Soul Retrieval, Cord Cutting, Entity Clearing, Shamanic Extraction, Death Doula, at Uma Clinic in Seattle
Advanced Energy Dynamics & Healing
Healing from Trauma and Developing Healthy Boundaries
These sessions help you develop richer skills in grounding and widening your energy field. Once you embody these life-changing skills, they’ll be yours for life.
You’ll practice mapping your own energy habits: your strengths as well as how you may lose energy and grounding when faced with overwhelming emotions or challenging situations. You’ll also learn how to rejuvenate yourself more quickly. In addition, you will learn how to track your individual energy flow habits and blockages and how to ground to rejuvenate and heal.

Advanced Energy Signatures. Energy Healing, Trauma Renegotiation in Seattle
Discover Your Energy Signature
Discover how you come across to others. Learn how trauma can affect how you use and present your energy. Renegotiate the ways you have been keeping your energy small and learn skills to navigate though life with your own personal energy signature.
Embody The Wisdom Centers of Your Body
Discover how to activate your body’s capacity for dissolving blocks & traumas so you can thrive on every level – Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Establish a strong, intimate relationship with your unique guidance system – for a lifetime of greater intuition, vitality, pleasure, and joy.
Explore the body’s 6 main wisdom areas, the brain, heart, gut, pelvis, bones, and feet and legs. Each provides you with specific information about how you’re actually connecting to and perceiving the world around you in any given moment.
When you establish and nurture a healthy relationship with your body, you can reclaim the “lost parts” of yourself, draw from your body’s innate wisdom, and better navigate your life.
Embody your body’s wisdom centers. Energy Healing. Trauma Healing at Uma Clinic in Seattle

Energy Healing, Chakra Clearing, Chakra Healing
Clearing & Integrating Your Power Centers
Chakras are portals between the physical and spiritual planes. When our chakras are out of balance, we may feel disconnected from ourselves and our world, or unsafe, unsupported, lonely, have low self-esteem, or pain. Chakras are our power centers and as such they offer unparalleled opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation.
Grounding & Resilience
Learn powerful tools for grounding and feeling more alive and present. Gain skills to withstand the ups and downs life throws your way. Connect deeply with your seen and un-seen support.
Grounding and resilience of body, mind and spirit. Advanced Energy Dynamics & Healing

Benefits of Advanced Energy Dynamics:
- Develop richer skills in grounding and widening your energy field.
- Understand the “Energy Profiles” that distinguish ways you compensate for past traumas such as dissociation and addiction.
- Practice methods to track your energy flow habits and blockages.
- Use your skills in a way that helps you connect with your own internal resources, increase your energy flow, and reconnect to the present moment.
- These skills are key in helping to heal from trauma.
- Live a richer life full of joy and creativity.
- Be empowered to address deeper emotional issues.
- Learn how to work with your own emotional process more deeply without becoming overwhelmed or burnt out.
- Achieve more diversity, strength and fluidity in your energy field, which enables you to more fully experience the joy in each present moment.
Shamanic, Metaphysical & Archetype Healing

Cord cutting, negative connections, curse unravelling at Uma Clinic in Seattle
Cord Cutting
Cord Cutting Ceremony helps you release your attachment to people, spirits, places, beliefs or life karma. Before cutting the cord it is usually necessary to heal the trauma around the event or person. Cord cutting is an important step in helping you reclaim who you are, feeling whole in your body, feelin and setting healthy boundaries. We suggest you explore BioEmotional Transformation before completing the Cord Cutting Ceremony.
Extraction Healing – Depossession
Sometimes due to emotional, physical or psychic trauma there is a loss of power. When our boundaries are more vulnerable we can have intrusions into our field or body. These can be thoughts that we’ve given so much energy to that they become actual entities that live off of our own life force. Or, they could be other non-corporeal beings that live off of our energy, and may influence us and deplete our energy in a variety of ways.
Entity Clearing – Extraction Healing – Compassionate Deposssession, are all terms that describe helping one release the attached being. And then, helping it cross over to a place where it would be able to heal.
We recommend working with Somatic Healing – Trauma Release to help you renegotiate the trauma, claim your sense of self, and to integrate healthy boundaries.
Extraction Healing Seattle, Depossession, Entity Clearing, Soul Healing at Uma Clinic in Seattle

Soul Retrieval, Soul Healing, Connecting Your Pieces, at Uma Clinic Seattle
Soul Retrieval
Trauma such as emotional pain & shock, long term illness, constant stress, accidents or even the loss of connection to oneself or nature is a spiritual illness that can result in the loss of a piece of one’s soul.
When trauma occurs, we can become fragmented, and can lose a piece of our soul. Traditional Shamans journey in an altered state to retrieve and return a person’s soul. As trauma informed Shamanic Practitioners, we have found that it is very important for you to do this journey for yourself, and we are here to hold space for you and guide you along the way. Soul Retrieval is usually done in conjunction with Trauma Renegotiating Therapies such as BioEmotional Transformation
Psychopomp – Death & Dying
We all die. The question is will you have completed your mission when you do? What does a soul need to transition more easily? What would you consider a good death?
Psychopomp is soul work that is tasked with guiding deceased humans to the realm of the dead. When one dies, sometimes we transition immediately, and sometimes we stay around. What does a soul need to feel ready to cross over?
We work with people who are alive as a way to help them identify and fulfil their soul’s journey. So that they can have a more satisfying life.
There are many transitions in life where we are faced with a “death” of a part of ourselves. It can be helpful to have a guide when facing these aspects of ourself. Leaning to “let go” of these parts of ourself that no longer serve us, can be an important aspect of living a more soul inspired life.
And in that last leg of the journey on earth, when they are faced with the process of crossing over, we help people connect deeply with themselves. So they can consciously complete their path and to set up their life transition in a way that feels right for them. We recommend you consider BioEmotional Transformation sessions to do this kind of conscious Soul Work.
After one has transitioned, through Shamanic & Metaphysical Practices we will help guide a deceased soul of a loved, one or a lingering soul to the death realm so they can heal and rest.
Death Doula, Psychopomp, Spirit Transition, Little Deaths, Near Death Experiences.

Soul Scrubbing- Shadow Work
Shadow work is delving deep into one’s unconscious to “bring light” and healing. One can only truly heal what one is conscious of. We can dissociate or deeply burry memories and parts of ourselves that were hurt or felt unsafe.
Curse Unravelling

Archetypes & Soul Learning
Living a fully integrated life.
Soul Contracts

Dreamwork & Dream Interpretation
Power Animal Retrieval